Frequently Asked Questions about Northwest Fencing Center
New Fencer Checklist:
1. Pick one Intro Session according to your age level and schedule.
2. Add the Intro Session you’ve selected to your cart in the Training Scheduler, then check out to register.
3. Complete the 4-Week Intro Session.
4. The Front Desk will email you which class to sign up for. Just respond to let us know you want to register!
5. Purchase a Class.
6. Attend the class & fence!
New Fencer FAQs:
Who has to take an Intro Session at NWFC?
Everyone who has not previously attended an Intro Session, a Camp or has had an evaluation. Once one of these has been completed, contact the front desk to join a group class.
Do I need gear?
All fencing and protective gear are provided for Intro Classes.
You do not have to purchase equipment to register for an Intro Session or beginner Classes.
What do I bring?
All fencing and protective gear are provided for Intro Classes.
Bring water, and wear clean shoes and fencing-friendly athletic clothes. Long pants are a must!
What can I wear?
All fencing and protective gear are provided for Intro Classes.
Wear clean shoes and fencing-friendly athletic clothes. We do not recommend baggy, oversized, and loosely fitting clothes.
- Open-toed shoes
- Shorts (legs must be fully covered)
Can I come watch before I register for an Intro Session?
Yes! New fencers are welcome to come and see the sport live and in action. If you do drop in to watch, we suggest coming to watch the class you are considering registering for. See the NWFC Complete Schedule for more details.
How do I register for an Intro Session?
Open the Training Scheduler.
Select “Create a New Account,” and complete the registration.
An email is sent to let you know that your account has been approved by the Front Desk.
Then, open the Training Scheduler and add the “Intro Session” to your cart. Checkout to complete your purchase and your registration.
Front Desk: front.desk@nwfencing.org (or) 503-277-2237
Membership FAQs
Do you have to be a Member to register for classes?
No. As of September 2023, a Special Membership is not required to enroll in a fencing class. All fencers enrolled in a class can attend Open Bouting for free and register for private lessons.
What is the cancellation policy?
Once a Special Membership is purchased it can not be canceled or refunded. Please let the Front Desk know if you do not want to be auto-billed when your current registration expires.
Classes must be canceled or paused in writing by filling out a form at the front desk. You can also email us at front.desk@nwfencing.org. Monthly vacation pauses are available with 2 weeks notice before the next billing month. Class pro-rating is not available.
See more NWFC Policies.
Do you have to be a Member to take Private Lessons?
Lessons are available for fencers enrolled in a monthly Class and fencers currently attending an NWFC Camp that have been approved by a coach.
Please talk to a Coach for more information about Private Lessons.
Do you have to be a Member to register for camps?
Can I purchase a Special Member after September?
If you purchase a membership after September, you will only be charged for the remaining months of the season.

Contact the front desk if you have additional questions about joining Northwest Fencing Center.
Either email us directly or give us a call during open hours!
Email: front.desk@nwfencing.org
Phone: 503-277-2237
Want to try fencing?
Sign up for an Intro Session to try fencing with us! For more help, contact the Front Desk. Either call during open hours or email us directly and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Our NEW Location:
Facility FAQs:
How many strips does NWFC have?
NWFC has 21 grounded electric strips featuring a cushioned flooring system.
Where can I watch?
NWFC’s facility features a second-floor mezzanine just for spectators. Coaches and parents can join their fencers during competitions behind the safety barrier on the first floor. Parents are not allowed on the fencing strips.
Are there restrooms for non-athletes?
NWFC has men’s and women’s restrooms available for athletes, parents, and other NWFC guests. We also have a family restroom, where fencers competing may use the shower.
Where can I keep my gear?
Upstairs in our viewing area, we have cubby spaces designated for athletes. We ask that you utilize this space to avoid cluttering the main floor during fencing activity. These storage cubbies are also open for NWFC Members without lockers attending camps, classes, or tournaments.
Who are lockers for?
NWFC has rentable lockers that fencers can use to store their gear. Lockers cost $120 per year. They are large enough for everything you keep in your fencing bag and then some.
See the Front Desk to rent your own locker.
Must be paid for in full. Current athletes will be charged in September. If you want to rent a locker after September, you will only be charged for the remaining months of the season.
Tournament FAQs
Are athletes required to shake hands after bouts?
Athletes are to salute at the conclusion of a bout in lieu of shaking hands with each other, the referee, or the coaches. Read more on USA Fencing.
How big is NWFC's facility?
NWFC has 21 grounded electric strips featuring a cushioned flooring system. Plentiful spectator area and free parking, with dedicated bag storage, an armory, first-aid, and coffee too!
Will there be awards?
Athletes who finish in the top eight will receive an award for individual events. The medal or ribbon ceremony will take place near the finals strip. Then, parents and coaches are welcome to take group photos in front of the backdrop.
Looking for Info about Event Registration?
See our Tournaments page for resources for finding registration portals and results. Please see the Front Desk for additional help signing up for tournaments.
Email: front.desk@nwfencing.org
Phone: 503-277-2237
One-on-One Training with NWFC Coaches
Just like any other sport or learning a musical instrument, students learn more with the help of close instruction.
If you cannot find what you are looking for here or on our Private Lessons page, talk to a Coach.
Private Lesson FAQs
What is the cancellation policy?
Lessons must be canceled before midnight the day before your lesson. If it is not, it will be forfeited. There are no exceptions. Coaches would like the opportunity to fill the spot if you can not attend it.
See more NWFC Policies.
Do lessons expire?
Private Lessons bundled with monthly classes expire after the month.
Bulk lessons do not expire.
If you have purchased a Class + Lesson bundle AND bulk lessons, your Class + Lesson bundled lessons will automatically be used first in the training scheduler.
Do I need a Special Membership to take lessons if I'm not in a class??
Lessons are available to all fencers enrolled in a monthly class, have a Special Membership, or currently attending an NWFC Camp.
Who should take private lessons?
EVERYONE! We recommend all our fencers in the Adult Beginner Epee, Adult CORE, Youth Beginner, and Youth Intermediate classes take private lessons.
Private lessons are required for fencers in the Competitive class and fencers in the Youth Intermediate class who compete at tournaments.
Learning to fence is like learning to play a musical instrument. Fencing is like being able to improvise with a musical instrument without sheet music. The time spent one on one with a coach is some of the most valuable time a fencer will spend. The coach will guide their learning and help them discover who they are as a fencer – possibly even as a person!
For more info from our Coach Michael McTigue about lessons, please read: BLOG – How do I get good at this?
How do I sign up?
Current NWFC fencers can purchase and schedule their lessons using the Training Scheduler.
Add the lesson or lesson package to your cart and pay. Then, use the Calendar to schedule a time with a coach. Fencers and Parents are expected to manage their own private lessons including canceling them by midnight the night before.
Reoccurring lessons can be scheduled by a coach.
COVID & Mask FAQs:
What is the current Mask Policy?
Masks are optional for all athletes, coaches, staff and officials, and other spectators at all classes, camps, and tournaments.
What precautions are being taken?
Northwest Fencing Center’s facility features a top-of-line air filtration system and a cleaning staff that comes a few times a week. You’ll find hand-sanitizing stations installed all over the facility. Masks are available by the front desk.
Are athletes required to shake hands after bouts?
Athletes are to salute at the conclusion of a bout in lieu of shaking hands with each other, the referee, or coaches. Read more in the USA Fencing rulebook.