Kenji was first introduced to fencing when he was 6 years old, at a summer camp at the French American school taught by Simon. At that age, Kenji was already obsessed with swordplay so he was instantly hooked. However, his path forward from here was less than predictable or smooth. Kenji started fencing foil left-handed, but then after a year or so decided he was right-handed; he fenced foil for several years, but then discovered epée. By the age of eleven, he had decided which hand to use and became competitive, dabbling in both weapons for the next couple of years, before finally deciding on epée. Regardless of the weapon, or the opponent in front of him; one thing remains constant: Kenji always gives 100% effort which often means sending his body crashing to the floor, whether it’s in a tournament, in practice, or just doing high kicks in warm- ups. Thanks to the amazing support and coaching from Vince, Michael, Cody, and Simon; Kenji managed to stay in one piece through it all (so far) and progressed far enough to be able to compete at the collegiate level, which has always been his goal. Kenji has gained so much through his fencing experience; confidence, maturity, friendships, and so much more….. we will be eternally grateful to his NWFC family.
Thank you…. all